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I'm a data literate digital native. I write code and use libraries with weird names. I think about applying new technologies to real world problems. I dream about a future where technology will help create an abundant future for mankind. I believe technology is changing the world for the better. My goal in life is to be part of the change and help shape our future.

Currently, I manage a Machine Learning Engineering team at Allianz Direct. Previously I have managed a ML team at ING Bank, worked as a data scientist in different countries, and worked as a consultant in the healthcare industry building simulations models.

You can contact me at

Open source projects

A selection open source projects I have built or have been heavily involved in designing and building.

Project Usage Contributors
timvink/mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin GitHub contributors
timvink/mkdocs-git-authors-plugin-plugin GitHub contributors
timvink/mkdocs-table-reader-plugin GitHub contributors
timvink/mkdocs-print-site-plugin GitHub contributors
timvink/mkdocs-enumerate-headings-plugin GitHub contributors
timvink/mkdocs-charts-plugin GitHub contributors
ing-bank/probatus GitHub contributors
ing-bank/skorecard GitHub contributors
ing-bank/doing-cli GitHub contributors